Embracing Your Unexpected Paths

Can I be gut-level honest with you? I didn’t want to go. When I made the plan months ago, I was full of excitement and hope. But today, well that was a different story. You see I had planned this great event and I fully expected great numbers of attendees to match.

In reality, a few had signed up. And preparing for this event? It was a lot of work. I began to get into a numbers game in my head. Why weren’t more people attending? Was all the time spent on this even worth it? Wouldn’t it be easier to stay home in my jammies?


Truth be told, in all my planning, I never expected to be feeling this way as I drove to prepare for this event. I . expected excitement and joy.

Since I was already on my way, I chose to be faithful to what I felt was from God. I chose to show up anyway. I chose to commit the evening to Him even when it wasn’t what I was expecting. I chose to tend the garden God gave me in that moment.

God is in the unexpected


As the evening unfolded, what I found was blessing in the midst of the unexpected. The event though small was almost perfect. I found blessing, and I found myself grateful. Grateful that God is in charge and I am not. Grateful that I chose to embrace the unexpected. Grateful that sometimes God doesn’t give us what we want, but what we need.

Which got me reflecting on two things. Where else has God shown up in the midst of my unexpected paths? And then I thought about you. In what ways is God inviting you to embrace your next unexpected path?

If you’re anything like me, you may not like those unexpected places. It may not be what you planned or even what you wanted. But somehow God leads us to the places that are exactly what we need. So how can you and I embrace the unexpected? As I reflected on that evening, here’s some thoughts I thought might help.


Embracing the unexpected means stepping out in trust

My recent unexpected path was small in comparison. I’ve had other bigger paths that were unexpected. Like losing my parents way earlier than anyone would expect to. Or being single when I thought I would find a spouse by now. Or even starting a business when that was never in my sight.

Sometimes our unexpected paths are small - like an event you plan that has a low turnout. And sometimes they feel huge - like caring for an aging or sick parent. But whatever size your unexpected path is? It is an invitation to trust God with each step.

That night a few weeks ago. I had a choice. I could trust that God had ordained the people and places where this event was being help. I could trust that God would use it. I could trust that I would be OK even if it wasn’t what I expected. The invitation to trust is an invitation to be faithful to this moment. Today. And when you and I experience the unexpected, it’s an opportunity to learn to trust God even when what you’re handed is not what you expected.

Embracing the unexpected leads to new possibilities

As i set up my workshop and invited attendees in, I didn’t know what lay ahead of me. There were current clients and brand new people I had never met before. Little did I know what awaited me as I chose to step in faith.

From that one evening, I met new people. People who had never heard of the Enneagram or coaching or what it all looked like to invest in themselves. People who were choosing, for the first time, to reconnect with themselves. People who were looking for a community of people who were hungry to grow through the Enneagram together. Ideas of collaborating and connecting beyond that one workshop.

As I drove away with my heart full, I wondered what I would have missed if I had taken the easy route? What if I had chosen to cancel, put my jammies on, and sat on the couch? I would have missed what God had for me. Which taught me a valuable lesson. I don’t want to miss what God has for me in the middle of the unexpected.

Embracing the unexpected reminds us of who God created us to be

My biggest takeaway that night was about my God-given purpose and who God created me to be. It reminded me how much fun I have when I sit around a table with women helping them discover who they are and the steps God is inviting them to take to live with soulful purpose.

I was reminded of what I’m good at, if I can say so myself. And how I get to use the gifts God has given me to help others. As I drove away from that event, I was reminded why I chose what I do and why I love what I do.

Our unexpected paths reveal what’s important to us. They remind us what’s worth sticking around for. They remind us what we desire and why. They remind us about what we value and how to live for God even when life isn’t what we planned or dreamed of.


One foot faith is all about choice. When faced with our unexpected paths, we can choose to trust God and walk in faith or we can drag ourselves through it. We can choose to see new possibilities and what God wants to teach us, or we can resent this season in our life. We can choose to be reminded of who we were created to be, or we can choose to wish we were someone else. One foot faith is about embracing where God has you today - even if that place is totally unexpected.

Hey friends! I’d love to hear from you. What are your unexpected path and what has God taught you from leading you there? I’d love to know!