Enneagram Resources for Personal & Spiritual Growth

If you’re just learning about the Enneagram and wondering about the changes here at One Foot Coaching, then you’re in the right place. I may be repeating myself but the reason I made the pivot is largely based on my belief that Bible + the Enneagram as a tool = a life changed for Jesus.


Let me explain. My faith and God’t truth trumps the Enneagram every single time. However, what I’ve found in the Enneagram is a tool for self-awareness and self-discovery. Through the Enneagram, I’m learning to get real about where I am today, what drives me to be who I am (the good, the bad, and the ugly), and to do the inner work that will result in an outside change. And the only way we can do that by faith is to apply the Gospel to things we are discovering about ourselves through our type.

My mission in leveraging this tool to cultivate courage, soul health, and steps of purpose is to help us all learn how to apply what we’re discovering to grow personally & spiritually and become who God created us to be. Life on mission. Everyday. Making an impact for His Kingdom wherever we go.

The #1 question I get asked since becoming a certified Enneagram coach

The number one question I get asked is about how to use the Enneagram as a tool to grow. They range from how do I use this thing to what specific steps can I take for my type.

Here’s what I love about this tool. The Enneagram is an invitation to a journey. A journey to discover who you are and who God created you to be. It’s an invitation to understand why you do what you do. It’s an invitation to do the inner work God is calling you to - changing from the inside out. It’s an invitation to step with courage into your God-given purpose as you use your superpowers to live on mission. Right here. Right now.

My # 1 answer…

You knew this was coming, am I right? How do I answer my questioning friends and clients? Enjoy the journey. Stay curious. Dive in and learn about the Enneagram in general and your type specifically. Start discovering more about what your superpowers are and what may be keeping you from courage and freedom as you move into living with purpose in the everyday rhythms of your life.

Don’t have any idea where to start all this learning. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with some of my fave resources…

Recommended Resources

Start here! If you’re just starting to learn about the Enneagram, I love this book by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile. It’s a great place to start and includes a chapter on each type plus information on what it’s like to be that type. Pure gold.

How do I use the Enneagram in my relationships? So many of my people ask this question, because once we start to understand ourselves - our next step is to understand our people and move toward them with compassion. I love this easy-to-read book by Suzanne Stabile. She gives an overview of each type and has a short page at the end of each chapter on how you can show up in relationships as your type and how you can show up to relate to another type better.

Looking for how the Enneagram ties into spiritual growth and discipleship? I love this book by Marilyn Vancil. Marilyn unpacks how the Enneagram can help us grow as a disciple of Christ, how each type reflects the character of God, each type’s childhood experiences and how that helps form our types. For those who have wondered if the Enneagram is Biblical, Marilyn also brings in how she has experienced the intersection of Biblical teaching + the Enneagram for spiritual growth. I love to recommend this one to my clients and always have a few extra copies on hand. Just saying.

Looking for practical spiritual disciplines unique to your Enneagram type? I loved Chris’ The Sacred Enneagram. I think this is a little more advanced in how he unpacks the Enneagram so would recommend the Road Back to You before picking up this book. But I loved how Chris goes through the various teachings on the Enneagram, including some deeper work on triads, and intelligence centers. The last 3rd of the book is devoted to specific steps for each type using spiritual disciplines to create a plan for growth. I loved the challenge of this book to own what’s not working about my type and lean into the spiritual disciplines that will lead me to the inner work my heart needs.

Looking to use the Enneagram with the people you work with? I don’t know about you, but this is one of those places I need this the most. How do we work better together when we are all wired and motivated in different ways? How do we lead differently when we are different types? I love this book because it’s chocked full of information on leading and working by Enneagram types. You’ll discover what’s it’s like to be each type at work, what each type's superpower at work is, how to get along with each type at work, questions to consider to grow in how you relate at work, and so much more. This is one of my go-to resources especially when working with teams and individuals seeking to apply the Enneagram at work.

Does this all feel overwhelming? Start somewhere. Read one of these books. Digest slowly. Find some Enneagram friends - you know they’re out there. And lean into God created you to be. Self-awareness + Self-acceptance + soul health = Courage + confidence.

Still need a little guidance on finding your type and using your type on your own growth journey. I’ve got you covered.

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